The biggest and the best
The Skier & Snowboarder is the UK’s longest running independent magazine for ski and snowboard enthusiasts.
- Every issue is packed with news, equipment and fashion reviews, holiday destination reports, racing reports, plus lots, lots more. All the news sections and features are backed up by stunning mountain photography. - The Skier & Snowboarder, published by Mountain Marketing Ltd, is available in print and online. - It is edited by Frank ‘Scoop’ Baldwin who is the longest serving continuous editor in the UK ski and snowboard magazine market. - The Skier started life as an A4 magazine in the early 80s and by the beginning of the 1990s was found to be Britain’s Best Read Ski Magazine by an independent study carried out by Sports Marketing Surveys. -
The magazine also achieved the highest ever regular paid for ABC circulation of approximately 25,000+.
Buy Alprazolam Online Mexico - The Snowboarder was added to the title in the 90s to reflect the growing interest in the sport. -
Order Xanax Pills By the year 2000 there were more than one million wintersports enthusiasts taking ski or snowboard holidays. So to reach as many of these people as possible the publishers of the Skier & Snowboarder took the bold decision to change from a ‘paid for’ to a free distribution magazine. - The Skier & Snowboarder magazine is widely available free through ski and snowboard shows, ski and snowboard stores, artificial slopes, travel agents, ski clubs, film tours, special promotions and selected bars and chalets throughout the Alps.
Alprazolam Buy Canada When the publication went free it also changed size from A4 to a tabloid format. This has reaped huge rewards with the Skier & Snowboarder now reaching more readers than ever before. -
Alprazolam Powder Online And this figure has been boosted even higher by the recent introduction of a e-mag version of the Skier & Snowboarder which complements the printed magazine. - The e-mag, which has the same appearance as the printed version, is delivered directly into people’s email inboxes.