

Netski announces support for young British Team skier, Luca Carrick-Smith

Skier and Snowboarder


Netski, the newest brand in the family that includes the world’s largest ski rental chain SKISET, has announced a new partnership with a rising star of British skiing, Luca Carrick-Smith. The partnership deal includes support for the young ski racer that will help cover some costs as he goes into his first season targeting the Europa Cup races across Europe. read more

Bid to decarbonise transport options to the Alps

Building on the successful innovation of the launch of a “ski train” service, with the chartering of trains from London and Paris to the French Alps, Travelski – a subsidiary of Compagnie des Alpes – has launched a European request for bids to offer its customers a recurring low-carbon transport service by train from France, the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium (from Paris, London, Amsterdam and Brussels) to the French Alps over the three-year period from 2024 to 2027. Other routes from Spain are also envisaged. read more

La Plagne Your Trip: French resort revealed best for beginners

Skier and SnowboarderPicking the right ski resort can often be tedious and difficult but that doesn’t make it any less important – especially for beginners new to the realm of snow sports. One of Europe’s leading holiday operators, Sunweb, has analysed the number of green and blue runs in 16 of Europe’s top ski destinations revealing the best location for fledgling skiers, with La Plagne emerging as the most beginner-friendly resort, with a total of 79 green and blue runs, allowing new winter sports enthusiasts to make the most out of the trip. read more

Over $1billion invested in experience for Ikon Pass holders

As winter in North America approaches, Ikon Pass holders can look forward to over $1billion in new and improved infrastructure and experiences aimed at enhancing the guest experience, including new terrain expansion, reimagined base areas and lodges, innovative beginner areas, new lifts and gondolas, expanded snow making, imaginative culinary offerings, improved skier services and more. read more

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