Skiing with Eddie

Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards to host ski breaks in Les Gets on

Buy Zolpidem Online Overnight Uk SkiWeekends has launched a new holiday this winter in the ski resort of Les Gets, staying with Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards, giving guests the unique opportunity to ski, stay, and dine with one of Britain’s most iconic Olympians. Guests will stay at Chalet Marjorie in the heart of Les Gets over a week during January with options for both short and longer stays. read more

Eddie could have been a footballer – but hung up his boots to concentrate on skiing

on I STAYED in Canada for most of July because at the time of writing this column I am just about to take part in a stage show which is part of the Calgary Stampede, an annual 10-day rodeo. The event can trace its roots back to 1886 but it now attracts more than one million people every year and claims to the ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. read more

The Eagle goes busking in Austria

Online Zolpidem Tartrate on IF you happened to be in Salzburg recently you may have been surprised to see me busking in one of the city squares! Fortunately, this is not because I have fallen on hard times. I was actually in the city doing some filming for the Austrian National Tourist Board and one of the things they asked me to do was pretend to be a busker with a cap to collect the money out in front of me. read more

‘Where did all the Winter Olympics money go?’ asks Eddie on

I ONLY found time to watch a bit of the Winter Olympics but at least I got to see Lizzy Yarnold win her second gold medal and Laura Deas take the bronze in the Skeleton.

Does that make me one of those people who, according to a recent survey, has little interest in the Winter Olympics? I think this survey is a little misleading because, after all, the number of skiers and snowboarders in the UK is increasing. read more

Eddie Edwards: My first ski of the season – on The Lover’s Piste!

on This is a photo of me on a great run in Livigno, Italy called ‘The Lover’s Piste’ surrounded by a group of female medics. We all recently took part in the first annual ski medicine conference (WEMski18) organised by World Extreme Medicine (WEM) in conjunction with Livigno Snow Holidays, the Livigno Tourist Office and Mottolino Fun Mountain. read more

Eddie ‘the Eagle’ Edwards: A day out at Hemel

on I’ve been busy during the summer and luckily for me I spent quite a bit of it on skis at indoor centres such as Chill Factore in Manchester and the Snow Centre at Hemel Hempstead.

Buy Ambien Overnight At Hemel I joined TV presenter and former ski racer Graham Bell and snowboarder Aimee Fuller helping to get kids onto skis and snowboards during the National Schools Snowsport Week. read more

Eddie Edwards: Is there a future for ski and snowboard shows? on I had some good fun at the Chill Factore in Manchester when they invited me to take part in the snow centre’s 10th anniversary celebrations in November.

I joined up with all the instructors and we formed ourselves into a ‘10’ formation to ski down the slope. I don’t know if they were trying to tell me something, but I was part of the ‘zero’! read more

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