DO YOU sometimes find your ski or snowboard boots are still a bit damp inside when you put them on during your holiday?
Fast Delivery Clonazepam Drysure claims to have come up with a solution which is also eco-friendly as the company’s Boot & Shoe Dryers do not use batteries or electricity. The manufacturer also claims that Drysure’s patented design give a drying performance that is 12x more effective than air drying and helps reduce bacterial and fungal growth which improves the odour.
Online Ambien Overnight After a day of skiing or snowboarding, simply take Drysure out of its PVC pouch and put them inside your footwear. There is no on off switch, you just leave your boots like that until you need them again. Drysure retails at around £30 and if, after several uses, you notice the products are becoming less effective you can reactivate them yourself.
Drysure also has models designed for other types of sports footwear. For more information CLICK HERE Categories: Equipment